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Personhood – The Most Critical of Issues

Posted on 12 March 2016 by Scott Cooper


Friends –

In another post this afternoon, I shared a bit about my concerns surrounding the vitriol taking place among friends as a result of the current Presidential election, especially on social media.  I shared that I believe iron sharpening iron through the primary season is a good thing, and that I had participated in primaries, working against friends, in the last three Federal cycles.  I think this is important because it keeps our elected leaders, and those who want to lead sharp, but I also believe it is critically important we don’t burn bridges that we must cross again to work on issues that should unite us!

I shared in that post, there were two events / issues taking place in the next week, which I would post about separately.

The second issue, in my honest opinion is the most important issue we face – and that is the issue of LIFE!

Our founding documents repeatedly refer to Divine Providence, our Creator and Life.  Indeed, the second paragraph of the Declaration of Independence begins: “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”

In my humble opinion, getting the issue of life correct comes before all other issues.  Stated another way, if we get the issue of life wrong, none of the other issues will really matter much.

One of the gentlemen I helped in a primary, Richard Cash, wrote an excellent piece on Martin Luther King Day this year, where he shared that one of our Presidential Candidates this year, Dr. Ben Carson, would not have even been considered a person 230 years ago, at the founding of our nation.  Richard shared how our Constitution, prior to amendment, considered blacks 3/5ths of a person and how that we as a nation were able to change our ways from the sin of slavery. Richard then goes on to talk about how we have a class of citizen today, where millions cry from the womb, desiring the right of personhood, much like the cries for personhood we heard from the black community, prior to the civil war.  I strongly encourage you to read Richard’s post by clicking here!

The issue of Personhood for those living inside the womb, an area some say is the most dangerous place for a black infant to live in the early 21st century, is an issue that is front and center this week in the South Carolina General Assembly.


In 2016, South Carolinians will be able to vote to add this personhood amendment to their constitution BUT ONLY if two-thirds of the SC House and Senate pass bills H4093 and S719, which will but this amendment on the ballot.

I strongly urge you to go to the Personhood SC website to get all the details, including to find out if your State Senator of Representative have pledged support of this effort, or are co-signers of their respective bills.

Click here if you need to find out who your elected leaders are.

This Wednesday is Personhood Day at the State Capitol.  In the event you have not been following this most important of issues, I would like to share with you Richard’s letter in its entirety:


Dear Friend,

Calling upon all those who are able and willing to speak up for the unborn in Columbia.

Personhood Day at the Capitol is next Wednesday, March 16th. If you are willing to come and speak to your state Senator and/or Representative, here is what you need to do:

  1. Call their office in Columbia and tell the secretary that you are a constituent, that you are coming to Columbia on March 16th, and would like to schedule a 10-15-minute appointment to speak with them about thePersonhood  (If you do not know who your state legislators are, use the Legislator Search feature at Click on their name, and their information will come up.)
  2. Once you schedule an appointment, please email me at richard@personhood.scwith your name, the name of the legislator and the time of your appointment.
  3. Register so that we know who is coming.

Here a few talking points about the Personhood Amendment:

  • This is a simple, one-page bill, that will allow us to vote to add a PersonhoodAmendment to our State Constitution on the 2016 Presidential ballot.
  • This bill passed as an advisory question in the 2014 SC GOP primary by 79% of voters.
  • This bill could create a legal challenge that leads to the overturning of Roe v. Wade.

The Bill is H4093 in the House, S719 in the Senate. You can print off a pledge to take to your legislator from our website under “

Pledge”, and it contains the entire bill on one page!

All those who register and make appointments will receive any last minute information from us next Monday or Tuesday before coming to Columbia on Wednesday, the 16th.

“Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, ensure justice for those being crushed.” Proverbs 31:8

Speak up and Stand firm,

Richard Cash


In closing, if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to refer to the website, or feel free to call Richard at 864-505-2130 or the Chairman of the board of Personhood SC, my friend Dr. Matthew Clark 803-292-5241.

Thank you for considering standing firm for the least among us.


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