I want to tell you how grateful I am for the opportunity I have had to serve Edgefield County, in various roles, for what will end up being close to 8 years.
You may or may not know, that while my family has a history in Edgefield County which dates back to the 1800’s, prior to 2013 I had never lived here. Much of the previous 25 years, as our family restored our historic home, our journey’s to Edgefield County generally were in 72 hour increments, for three day weekends!
Knowing we would one day relocate here, I studied the greater CSRA region for much of the previous two decades. Each of the three places I lived during the course of those twenty years: Stafford County, Virginia; Chesapeake, Virginia and Spotsylvania County, Virginia had all witnessed tremendous growth in the decade surrounding our being residents there. We witnessed development take place well, and we witnessed development take place poorly.
Because of that history, I knew before we moved here, that whatever growth came towards Edgefield County as a result of the growth in the Greater CSRA, I wanted to do everything I could to help ensure it developed in a positive way, which would be great for the generations coming after us. I just never imagined the various roles I would play, and how my love for the people and interest in all the various needs of our county would evolve. I’d like to share with you that evolution.
Shortly after arriving, My County Council Representative Genia Blackwell asked me to serve on the Tax Appeals Board. I was so honored to be asked, I couldn’t say no! During that process, I learned a tremendous amount about the financial hardship, and the heroic leadership Edgefield County had during the Great Recession, when close to $ 1 Million had to be cut from a $ 10 Million budget, while preserving all jobs! I learned many other things during this time period, including the opportunity to hear quite a few residents request adjustments to their taxes!
It was during this time period I was also randomly selected to serve on the Edgefield County Grand Jury, which is a one year appointment. That process taught me a great deal about the criminal justice system, and the various crime problems our county faces.
Before the term on the tax appeals board was over, Councilwoman Blackwell asked me if I would be willing to leave that board and serve on the Hospital Board, which I did. Through out the last decade the challenges on rural hospitals have been immense. Many have closed. The only thing constant in healthcare, is change! I am so grateful to the team at Edgefield County Hospital. I could write a lot about that experience! I simply want to thank the leadership of Board Chairperson Connie Sutton and CEO Carols Milanes, who along with the rest of the board, helped ECH transition into a partnership with Self Regional Hospital.
When Councilwoman Blackwell decided to not run for re-election, I decided to run for the District 5 seat. At the end of this year, I will have served two terms, one term as Chairman. Many things are taking place in our county which all of us can be proud of. We are executing on many things outlined in The Pace Study and The Strategic Plan. Last year we completed the required Comprehensive Plan. The two most significant non-routine items we will execute this year, both of which take a tremendous amount of team effort and time, are the Land Management Ordinances and the Capital Project Sales Tax. Both of which you will learn more about as the year progresses, if you follow County Government.
Here is one thing I know to be true serving in elected office: you can not please 100 % of the people 100 % of the time. We need to strive to listen to all sides, both those who are publicly vocal and those who prefer to speak one on one, and then make principled decisions which will best serve the long term stability and goals of the county. Your County Council has been, and continues to be committed to that.
I just wanted to let you, the Edgefield Advertiser reader, know that I have greatly appreciated the opportunity to serve. It has been a great pleasure and privilege. I have thoroughly enjoyed getting to know so many wonderful people during the experiences I just shared.
Today begins the two week period where candidates register to run for office. I have decided that I will not be seeking another term on County Council. I feel I need to invest more time on my farm, which includes planning future events. I also want to pursue a couple of other business opportunities which I chose to delay while I invested time on county business. Who knows, perhaps beginning in 2021 I’ll restart my weekly editorial at The Advertiser!
I am committed to finishing this year on County Council strong. One of my goals is to help compile a handbook for new County Council Representatives and new County Council Chairpeople. In both circumstances you enter the role not knowing what you do not know. There is no guidebook! It is my goal to help those who chose to serve their term in the future, get up and running as quickly as possible.
Two closing thoughts: First, I want to thank the County staff for their commitment. We have so many great team members, in every department. Second, I believe not only does Edgefield County have a great history – we have an amazing future! It’s true – “It feels different here, because it is different here!”
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