Written by: Scott Cooper

As we speed down the super-highway towards financial Armageddon, each of us must ask ourselves, as individuals – am I a giver or am I a taker? Will I help prevent the collapse, or will I enhance it? Am I okay with my grandkids having a lesser lifestyle, paying my debt so that I don’t have to sacrifice?
The fact is, if we do not stop the Ferrari speeding down this financial super-highway, it will lead to the end of our republic. We will be responsible for our republics demise.
Over the course of the last several decades, government revenue has gone up consistently, as has government spending. Raising more revenue is not the solution. Individual and fiscal responsibility is. We must realize that the entitlement mentality and dependency that our government has created and forced upon us is unsustainable.
Ultimately, the takers do not care about the future of our republic – and they currently are in control. They are the most vocal.
Most troubling is the silence of the millions who are not yet ready to personally engage in this battle and sacrifice. By their silence, they indicate that they are on the side of the takers. Unless this changes, our republic will collapse. Are you one of the silent ones?
If you are willing to sacrifice in order to steer us back to the right track – what does that mean you are willing to give up? How are you going to formulate that in your own mind, and then begin to prepare for your own independence from whatever dependency you must give up, and then articulate that to the powers that be? This is not going to be an easy task, because literally everyone is on the take – from Agriculture subsidies, home mortgage interest deductions, all the way to cell phone subsidies. This is a huge problem, but I believe the American people can rise to the occasion.
I don’t believe that the generation of the 1940’s alone was the greatest generation. I believe that our grandkids will refer to us as “the next” greatest generation.
Our grandparents were amazing people. Many went off to foreign lands to fight tyranny. Those that remained at home focused all their attention on basic survival and producing for the war effort. Women and children both took on important jobs that they had never done, or even considered doing before. The financial sacrifice they gave was phenomenal. Of those that did not leave their jobs to go fight the war, many returned to their “home-place” to live with extended family, in order to make ends meet and support their extended family. The sacrifice at home was just as significant as the sacrifice that was given on the battlefields thousands of miles away from home. Nothing can ever be taken away from their sweat, toil, blood and sacrifice. Their sacrifice saved freedom for the world – for our parents, and for our generation. For that, we are eternally grateful.
Now it is our turn. The reason I believe our grandchildren will look back and refer to us as the “new” greatest generation, is because while our grandparents went to foreign lands to fight tyranny, our generation must rise up to fight against tyranny in our own land. We will even be required to intellectually fight against tyranny with well-meaning people we have considered friends. This is going to include fighting to dismantle the bureaucracy we have allowed our Federal, State and Local governments to create. These bureaucracies are growing at exponential, unsustainable rates. Many will fight indefinitely to keep this leviathan, not because it is right, but because it is in their self-interest to do so. That is ok, many colonists in the war of 1776 stood with the king as well.
My entire life I have heard about “The Draft.” Being born in the late 1960’s, I was not subject to it. Well, let me assure you, there is currently a draft taking place in our country today. Actually it is a voluntary enlistment. This enlistment effort to save our republic is not taking place by governments at any level or even at the political party level. Both parties have led us to the brink of this disaster – do we really believe they can rescue us from precipice of collapse?
The new “Draft / Enlistment” is a call to action by the citizenry. Like King George was not fond of the early American Patriots – Our current administration (Vice President Biden) refers to this citizenry as terrorists.
A mental picture of our enlistment effort is in the movie “The Patriot” when Benjamin Martin and his son split up and go into the communities and churches to find recruits. Their effort was a grassroots effort to enlist all able bodied men to fight off a tyrannical king. I love the scene where Gabriel is in the church pleading for individuals to join the fight and no one would take a stand. Finally, it took his future bride, a female to inspire men to action.
What will it take to inspire you to action?
This war is not going to be fought with bullets and battle ships, but it does require huge sacrifice. It requires able bodies to sacrifice time, talent AND financial resources.
Do you have some T.V. time, some golf time, some scrap-booking time, and some financial resources from eating out three times a week that you can give to this cause? Our sacrifice is nothing in comparison to what our grandparents gave – yet like them, the freedom of our grandkids is at stake. It is worth the sacrifice.
This war is going to be fought in local elections. It is going to be fought in School Board Meetings. It is going to be fought in City Council and County Supervisor Meetings. It is going to be fought in “County Green Committee” meetings (who even know such things existed). It is going to be fought at state legislatures. It is going to be fought at your desk, studying idiotic regulations that are taking place in education departments, environmental departments, agriculture departments etc. – all of which are well funded machines, funded with YOUR tax money. Notice I did not mention the Presidency or even the Federal level – because the true battles are in our back yard. I HATE going to meetings. That said, I would much rather spend some time going to meetings that have been infiltrated with leftists, than be required to go fight in the trenches of WWII.
If we engage the enemy locally, we will win – and those victories will ultimately find thier way to the Federal level.
Your help is needed. Reinforcements are required. Unlike the war of 1776, we will not have any French ships coming to back us up – your enlistment is required. Will you enlist – or will you be a “draft dodger?”
To find a group near you where you can lend your time, talents and financial resources – please check out
I hope you will join what I believe will indeed be “the next” greatest generation.
We have discovered our Normandy – and we are storming the beaches!
Come join us!
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