President Trump in Saudi Arabia – EA May 24, 2017

Posted on 24 May 2017 by Scott Cooper

More than one contributor to The Edgefield Advertiser has written in the past about the conflict of worldviews between the Judeo-Christian Founding principles of our republic and other worldviews which stand in stark contrast to us.  On more than one occasion, I have personally written about Islam’s conflict with Western Civilization.

I am so proud of our Commander in Chief, Donald Trump, who went to the cradle of Islam, Saudi Arabia, to deliver an exceptional speech this past Sunday then traveled on to the cradle of the Jewish and Christian Faith, Israel – and then later to the Vatican.

May all people of faith be in prayer for him and our U.S. delegation, and this new generation of world of leadership as it continues to unfold.  We truly are living in historic times, where important paradigm shifts are taking place.  Regardless of your faith, or where you stand politically, these paradigm shifts will impact all of us, in what I believe is the conflict of the 21st century, much like the Cold War became the primary conflict of much of the last century.

If you did not watch President Trump’s Speech in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia on Sunday, I highly encourage you to do so –

Not only will this week’s events sharpen our republics foreign policy for the coming years, it is forcing more and more Americans to seriously study the differences between these world faiths, which in my opinion, this is a good thing.

In closing, I applaud Saudi Arabia for hosting this past weekend’s summit.  The effort to reform those who seek death and destruction, or as President Trump worded it, “Drive them out,” must primarily take place within the Islamic faith itself.

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