Taking my own annual advice, I attempted to complete “Three of The Most Important Things You Can Do This Time of Year” – which is something I found via Doug Phillips about 16 years ago. As a result of this effort, I want to share with you a few things that give me hope as we enter into 2015.
Doug recommends you chronicle things from throughout the previous year, like bills, checkbooks, diary’s, calendar’s, correspondence, books / articles you wrote or read, etc. One of the things I reviewed during my “chronicling process” was some of my postings, both to my website and over Social Media during the course of the last couple years. While I typically spend a little time in Social Media every day, and have done so for several years, I have been inconsistent in posting to my actual website, which is something I hope to improve on in 2015.
Here are three things which give me hope as we enter 2015:
Social Media Gives Me Hope:
I am thankful for Social Media and the increase in the blogosphere. It gives me hope for several reasons. First I believe it is one of the greatest tools which can be used for the defense of one of our greatest inalienable rights – The First Amendment. Freedom of speech, freedom of thought, freedom of expression and freedom of association are all amazing gifts the founders of our country bequeathed to us – and never before in history have average citizens had the ability to share their thoughts and ideas to an audience that reaches beyond their own sphere of influence. I believe Social Media will play a critical role in our preserving this gift, The First Amendment.
Second, over the last two generations journaling really has become a lost art, which is curious because the popularity of websites like Ancestry.com, Geneology.com and FamilyTree.com is at an all-time high. So while this generation has a fascination with looking to our past, most are not intentionally journaling to leave a record for their future generations. Social media however is providing that for us – it provides a permanent record for those who come behind us, of the things we valued in our lifetimes. As a student of history – I believe this is a good thing and I believe it will be incredibly valuable to future generations – not only for individual families, but in the study of sociology.
In reviewing my personal website, I thought it was interesting that the first post of 2013, and the last post of 2013 both dealt with National Security. The first 6 months of 2014 was exceptionally busy for me, and I didn’t post anything until August. Between August and December, I had 11 Postings. Three of them dealt with National Security Issues; however 8 of them incorporated Faith into the post. As I reflect not only on 2014 – but the last several years, that trend in my personal life gives me hope – because I see that trend – the trend to highlight faith – among many, many others as well, not just my own life. I will return to this later.
Renewal of Leadership Gives Me Hope:
As a result of the activities I have been engaged in since the economic collapse and the financial bailouts, I have had the privilege in the last few years of meeting literally hundreds of people from all around the country. Many are individuals who as a result of hardship or frustration got involved in the civic arena. As a result, today they are leaders in their local and state communities in ways they had never planned, expected or desired.
One can look at this and consider the old question: “Is one born to lead or do circumstances create the leader?” Looking at the development of these unexpected leaders during this time period of history – I believe both is true, but I also have come to believe that leadership doesn’t come with birth, degree or position. There are many with advanced degrees and many in positions of leadership who due to self-interest choose to go along to get along, vs. lead. Stated differently, they choose not to influence for the things they believe in, because there will be a cost involved. For many who are new in the arena, this has been frustrating – but as we study history (which this group has intensely done these last few years), it has come to be expected. There is nothing new under the sun.
These hundreds of new, unexpected leaders will continue to grow in 2015 – and that gives me great hope!
Renewal in Faith Gives Me Hope:
For me, the most rewarding part of meeting these new leaders from around the country hasn’t been the focus on the issues that brought them into the arena – whether they be tax issues, spending issues, national defense / Patriot Act / NSA issues, IRS abuse issues, Education issues, agriculture / food supply issues, healthcare issues, energy issues, environmental issues – or any of the other issues that are out there these days – but the key ingredient among the vast majority of these new leaders is their belief that it is our Judeo-Christian Heritage which led to our republic being the most prosperous, productive and blessed nation in history, and their desire to see a restoration of virtue and a spiritual awakening in our country. For the vast majority of these new friends and new leaders – that one issue trumps almost every other focus. There are too many evidences of this to list, but those new leaders who I refer to in this post will know exactly what I am speaking about. I have spoken with many in the course of the last year(s) who are most thankful for this resurgence of activism, because it has placed them in contact with friends in the faith based community, all around the country, that they never would have met otherwise.
This is encouraging – and it gives me great hope, not only for 2015, but for beyond! I pray it gives you hope as well!
Happy New Year! Many blessings to you and yours!
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